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Mac Temp Sensor App

The mitemp_bt sensor platform allows one to monitor room temperature and humidity. The Xiaomi Mijia BLE Temperature and Humidity sensor with LCD is a small Bluetooth Low Energy device that monitors the room temperature and humidity. As only a single BLE device can be polled at the same time, the library employs locking to make sure this is the case.


Temperature Monitor Widget for Mac is a lite version of its sister app Temperature Monitor. It is a great little system-monitoring widget that will cover the needs of most users. However, it does. Temperature Monitor Widget for Mac is a lite version of its sister app Temperature Monitor. It is a great little system-monitoring widget that will cover the needs of most users. However, it does. Supported Temperature Sensors. Here's the (to be updated) list of Mac temperature sensors supported by the app. Airport Card - temperature of the sensor on integrated Wi-fi module; Ambient, Ambient 2 - surrounding temperatures inside mac; CPU Core 'X' - momentary temperature of one of CPU (Central Processor Unit) cores. Sometimes it's not the best source for sensor-based control because of.

Depending on the operating system you’re running, you have to configure the proper Bluetooth backend on your system:

  • On Home Assistant: mitemp_bt will work out of the box as long as the host supports Bluetooth (like the Raspberry Pi does).
  • On a Home Assistant Container: Works out of the box with --net=host and properly configured Bluetooth on the host.
  • On other Linux systems:
    • Preferred solution: Install the bluepy and btlewrap library (via pip). When using a virtual environment, make sure to use install the library in the right one.
    • Fallback solution: Install btlewrap library (via pip) and gatttool via your package manager. Depending on the distribution, the package name might be: bluez, bluetooth or bluez-deprecated.



Start a scan to determine the MAC addresses of the sensor:

Or if your distribution is using bluetoothctl:

Or you can choose to set a Sensor-based value where given a certain temperature on a specific sensor one the system, the fan can start to increase speed and go to its maximum speed at yet another temperature for that same sensor. Here we choose Ambient temperature as our sensor. We left the temperature range as default. And also have Temperature Monitor from bresink.com. At times, the content or sharing of sensors between iStat Pro and Temp Monitor. Will shut down Temp Monitor; so run them separately. For Widgets, I have one named DashQuit 3.0 that turns off all widgets, & frees RAM. This has proven helpful in several ways beyond resource management. Just so you know, the sensor this uses is the CPU Proximity temperature, which is different from the CPU PECI (overall CPU temperature) and each core's individual temperatures, that are often significantly higher than the CPU Proximity. Macs Fan Control reports CPU Proximity on my Mac as 55ºC, but CPU PECI as 63ºC – Velociround Aug 14 at 0:15.

Check for MJ_HT_V1 or similar entries, those are your sensor.

To use your Mi Temperature and Humidity sensor in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

Configuration Variables

The MAC address of your sensor.

The parameters that should be monitored.

Temperature in C at the sensor’s location.

Humidity level in % at the sensor’s location.

Battery details (in %).

The name displayed in the frontend.

Sends update events even if the value hasn’t changed.

Sometimes the sensor measurements show spikes. Using this parameter, the poller will report the median of the last 3 (you can also use larger values) measurements. This filters out single spikes. Median: 5 will also filter double spikes. If you never have problems with spikes, median: 1 will work fine.

Define the timeout value in seconds when polling.

Mac Temp Sensor App Download

Define the number of retries when polling.

Define cache expiration value in seconds.

Mac Temp Sensor App Installer

Define the Bluetooth adapter to use. Run hciconfig to get a list of available adapters.

Temp Sensors

Note that by default the sensor is only polled once every 5 minutes. This means with the median: 3 setting will take as least 15 minutes before the sensor will report a value after a Home Assistant restart. Even though the hardware is able to provide new values every second, room temperatures don’t change that quickly.Reducing polling intervals will have a negative effect on the battery life.

AppMac temp sensor app download

Mac Temp Sensor App Sensor

Full example

App Sensor Location

A full configuration example could look like the one below: